Friday, May 19, 2017

Surge in International Students Choosing to Study in Canada, Transitioning to Permanent Residence

Surge in International Students Choosing to Study in Canada, Transitioning to Permanent Residence


According to new figures, there has been a significant increase in the number of international students who are enrolling in Canadian universities for the 2017/2018 academic school year. The increase has been credited to the growing notion that Canada is a stable and welcoming destination to pursue an education in after the various political events that have been happening on a worldwide scale. In more recent months, there has been an increased number of international students who are choosing to study in Canada, and immigrate after they have graduated.

In terms of hosting international students, Canada is a top 10 study destination worldwide. In 2008, a total of 128,411 study permits became effective in comparison to 2016 where this figure was 267,780—more than double the amount.

At the end of 2016, there were more than 414,000 active student permits. The actual number of international students in Canada differs from this amount as not all study permit holders may be in Canada currently, and many international students study in Canada without study permit.

Almost half of students study in Ontario, with British Columbia and Quebec following close behind as the most popular study destinations in Canada, as shown in the graph on the right. The Prairie provinces and the Atlantic provinces in the graph as a total of all schools in that region of Canada.

International Applications and Enrolment in Canadian Universities Surge

The surge of interest in Canada as an immigration and study destination has often been attributed to the election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States.

At Brock University, there was an increase of 30% in applications from international students wanting to study in Canada, and in the early stage of the admissions cycles. There was also a significant increase of 36% in the number of international students who accepted their admission offer.

The University of Toronto saw more than double the number of American students accepting their offers in 2017 in comparison to 2016.

In 2017, the University of Alberta received 82 % more applications to graduate programs from international students. It saw significant increases in the number of applicants from Iran (+196%), India (+152%) and the United States (+60%).

From Student Visa to Permanent Resident

International students who graduate from a Canadian institution may obtain a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP), which will allow them to work anywhere in Canada after their studies. This program was created in order to attract international students to Canada.

There has also been a surge of the number of PGWPs issued each year. Approximately 15,600 international students held PGWPs in 2008 and in 2016, this number rose to more than 101,000.

The work experience that is acquired during on a PGWP can contribute to an international graduate’s eligibility for permanent residency. It also provides a way to remain in Canada and work while a permanent residency application is in process.

If you are looking to obtain a student visa, applying to be a permanent resident or need any other sort of immigration assistance, contact the Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld at 1-855-999-0224




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